Drug and Medical Device Claim

When we are prescribed a drug or medical device, or when we purchase a product, we expect that the drug, device, or product is safe. We expect that we have been adequately advised of any risks associated with its use. Unfortunately, when huge profits are at stake, serious health risks can often be downplayed, hidden or ignored.

We believe profits should never be put before people. Our law firm has substantial experience in pharmaceutical, medical device, and defective product litigation, advocating for the rights of victims who have suffered harmful consequences of using a dangerous drug, defective medical device, or consumer product. If you or someone you know has experienced an injury or death from an unsafe product, or if you are an attorney seeking specialized assistance, we will use our legal experience in this area of law to answer your questions and determine whether you may be entitled to compensation.

Please call us for a free and confidential consultation at 888-325-5677